
Showing posts from February, 2023

Maiden Voyage Post Surgery, Feb 22

 I did it! I rode my urban bike about two miles around my neighborhood. Each peddle rotation was still a little painful at the top, but tolerable. I have a little over four months to get ready for the Ireland bike trip! Range of motion is step one. Then I will work on stamina and strength. One day at a time. Wow, look at that leg!! I never thought my aging legs were nice looking to begin with, but now, yikes! I'll have to work hard to rebuild the quads so my thighs don't giggle like a bowl full of jelly!! I'll do it though. Now is the time to lose weight and build muscles. I love a challenge ;)

Knee Replacement, Jan 18

My knee replacement took place on Wed, Jan 18th. Jen was with me and I was in and out of the hospital the same day. I couldn't have hoped for a smoother evolution. I decided not to bored myself with endless posts about the recovery. I'll sum it up by saying this will be a long road stuffed full of PT and pain meds. It is now exactly four weeks later and my days are still stuffed full of PT and pain killers. I think I'm doing well though. I have good range of motion and am walking without the cane 90% of the time. This afternoon I even plan to take my urban bike for a spin around the block!! I'll restart my life and the picture taking so I can resume making fun and interesting posts here.  Sadly, I only made it half a block... still too much pain to get in a full rotation of the peddle.