Trans Siberian Orchestra, Dec 17
The Trans Siberian Orchestra is a group that plays Christmas concerts, along with other music. They are considered Arena Rock. It's a weird combination of orchestra and heavy metal. They put on a mesmerizing light show and feature electronic instruments, especially the fiddle. The first part of the concert, they have a narrator telling a Christmas story of hope and love while the band plays and sings. It's very Christmassy, upbeat, and inspiring. Then the second part of their show is all their other songs. Very hard rock... pounding, thumping. I loved every minute of it. Takes my back to the eighties a little, with the long haired musicians and heavy drum beats.
I went to this concert with Dad and Debbie. They love this show also and go every year. In the past, we've had groups of people with us. This year it was just the three of us, which was nice too. Afterward, we sat in the parking lot for an hour waiting our turn to get out! But we made it and stopped by Outback for dinner to go.
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