I took an extra day onsite to sightsee at the Saguaro NP and the Sonoran Desert Museum. It was a beautiful day. Cool and cloudy in the morning and warming up to only the 70's. Couldn't ask for better conditions to walk around the desert!
I returned to the west side of the national park because I wanted to visit the museum and it didn't open until 9:30, giving me plenty of time for an easy hike.
The Desert Museum had a "free flight" show. Beautiful Horned Owl. They started the show with two ravens. Turns out ravens mate for life so you will usually see them in pairs. They after those two went back to there pen, they let out the owl. She stayed with us for a good while until she was ready to return to her pen. The trainers said all the birds were raised in captivity and unable to be released to the wild. It amazed me that they didn't just fly away, but maybe it's for the same reason Mango doesn't hit the road when I let him out... they know when they have it good. |
This is a Crested Cara Cara. He stole the show. Literally... he wouldn't go back to his pen so the rest of the show was cancelled. The trainers just stayed out there and waited for him to be ready to go home. They say the birds are the bosses and when they want to stay out and fly, they get to. They won't let any other species out at the same time because of a territory thing and of course, they can't have them fighting. |
Hummingbird not showing off. |
Same bird, showing off his colors. So cool !!!
After about 5 hours at the museum, I crossed the town of Tucson and entered the east side of the Saguaro NP. I took the scenic loop drive and saw a bunch more cacti. |
A special kind of beautiful. I learned that the saguaro cactus doesn't produce its first arm until its about 70 years old. This guy must be 100! I think I'm ready to leave the desert though. My skin is flaking, my nails are pealing, my lips are chapped, and my hair is frizzing. |
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