Rockingham, NC, Nov 14-18

Another work trip to teach ACS had brought me to a new (to me) town. This time I'm in Rockingham, NC; exactly halfway between Charlottesville and Fayetteville. Unfortunately, this is not the place I would ever want to return. It is small and poor. The only restaurants were fast food, and they looked stretchy. I ended up at the Food Lion buying groceries for my dinners. I can't imagine a life here. Really sad collection of run-down houses, a bunch of churches and graveyards, a few low-cost stores, and a railroad running through the middle. Maybe the countryside just outside of town would have been pretty, but I did not go exploring. As for the work, the unit was in the final stages of prep for a year-long deployment to Kenya. They were set up in a field on a non-controlled airport. They had their mobile tower and GCA equipment out there and a C12 flight-checking their gear. The ACS class was conducted in a tent! I'll admit though, it was a very nice tent and well insulated, ...