Dunbar Cave State Park, Oct 6

On the last day on site at Fort Campbell, I had a few hours to kill before dinner time, so I did a hike at a cute little park in Clarksville. It was very little considering it was a state park. My hike was less than two miles and I went on two trails (there were only three, an the third one was just an extension of the second I believe). 

There was an actual cave but it was closed. I walked into it as far as I could... the entrance was gated off so you barely got under the lip you see here before you hit the dead end. You could feel wonderful cool air coming from the opening. There were posts along the trail telling of the history of this park, but I must admit I zoomed past them and can't remember the little that I did read.

Cute little guy hanging out on the railing. I think I spent more time with him then I did reading the history posts.

Yeah, first signs of fall!!

Reminded me quite a bit of the hiking trails in Northern KY. I miss hiking... that is definitely not a FL activity (sand and heat, yuck!)


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