A work trip to teach ICE to TCC brought me to Tulsa, Oklahoma. I always love to explore the new towns I visit (new to me, I mean) and sometimes I get lucky. This was definitely one of those times. The Oklahoma Aquarium was a terrific surprise. Who would have thought Tulsa, Oklahoma would have a nice aquarium. And actually, this area of town is all nice as far as I can see. Of course, the college campus is on a regional airport outside of the town of Tulsa and everything out here looks very clean and new. The neighborhoods look upscale and a quick peak at Zillow tells me they are in the half million dollar range. Oh well, out of my price range, but so is most of America right now! Not that I'm shopping for a new town, but I must admit, the heat and congestion of central FL is getting to me.
Really impressive shark tank with a tunnel through. |
Of course, you have to love the jellies! |
Reminds me of home... these little guys should be on a log in a spring fed river. Well, at least here they don't have to worry about gators!
This one scored as my favorite in the aquarium. The clown fish looked like they were playing hide-and-seek in the corals. So cute to watch them wiggle though the, um, hmmm... what are those things called that they are wiggling through??? Sea Anemone tentacles, I thinks. |
This is a pregnant Pot-bellied Seahorse papa! The male will inflate his pouch with water, making it as large as possible, to show the female how many eggs he can hold. He then carries the fertilized eggs for approximately 30 days! (how the transfer occurs, the info board didn't say) The males can hatch up to 1,000 seahorse babies at a time. This aquarium actually has a seahorse breeding program so wild seahorse populations are not disturbed. Too cool!!! |
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