Rainbow River Swim, Aug 13
Another fabulous swim down the Rainbow River with OWS Leo's group. 3.6 miles!!! There were 83 of us this time. I wore a wetsuit (the spring fed river is 72 degrees year-round) and it felt like I was flying. I actually kept up with Mary Ellen, which is incredible, she has always been much faster than me (she was not wearing a wetsuit). I don't remember my time. I try not to stress about that and just enjoy the event. Saw lots of turtles and fish. No gators! I don't think there are any gators on this section of the river... people tube down it all the time and you never hear about gator sightings.
Pre-swim. I'm always a little nervous and usually need the first quarter mile to catch my breathe and calm down to where I can enjoy myself. |
At the finish line at Swampy's. Such a beautiful spot and a great place for lunch to consume all the calories you just burned off. |
Made it and still smiling. The googles do nothing for my appearance I'm afraid... leave my eyes creased and puffy, but that's ok. Loving life! |
The group picture Leo posted after the event. I'm right behind Leo, extending my left arm out to the side. |
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