Cycling, Jul 22-24

Rather than make three posts, I'm combining three bike outings in one post. Friday was a regular favorite, the Tour de Willa with Frank and Carlos, then Saturday was biking around Lake Monroe with El, and Sunday was a new ride with the FFW, Orlando Murals. All were great for different reasons and really, any day on the bike with friends is great. 

I probably won't post every ride I do. Every weekend I try to get out there. My goal for 2022 is to ride 2000 miles. I think I'm almost to 900 and we are more than halfway through the year, so I need to pick it up a bit! I've started doing some rides with Nona Cycle too, so that gives me more options. Once the temps cool down I'll be able to go longer. Right now we are reaching 95+ degrees everyday with no relief in sight.

Frank's Tour de Willa group. It can be anywhere from three to ten people, never a big group, but that's ok. It's a set 25 mile route... no changes, no surprises.
I forgot to get a picture of this one so I'm using my Garmin to show I did it. I'm finding that I am not too good at breaking out the phone when people are around. Shyness? Hmmm... need to work on that!

I did take pictures here. Great group of people, but the ride was terribly slow and it was getting late in the morning (aka HOT). I would have liked it better to just cruise by the murals without stopping to look and talk about each one.

This one was my favorite... until I saw the octopus.

All time favorite!!!
This one is in the Milk District of town (there a T.G. Lee Dairy factory there), which is why the octopus is pouring out milk. Doesn't look like he's drinking it, more like he's playing in it. Just cute in a ridiculous sort of way.



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