On my trip back to Boston airport for my flight home, I stopped by Plymouth to see where the pilgrims landed then spent a few hours at the New England Aquarium. I purposely booked a late flight home so I would have time to sightsee, but I should stop doing that. I'm a little over solo sightseeing. If I'm out of town for work anyway, I will definitely explore the town I'm sent to, but at the end, I'm always ready to come home. This time around I was also suffering from cold symptoms that turned out to be Covid!!!! Never again will I say, ah, it's just a cold. I would have bet money my sniffles were because I was running around in the rain last Thursday on my sightseeing day in Cape Cod. I hate to think how many people will now get sick because of me. But that's part of life, right? People have germs, and if we are going to be around people, we are taking our chances. Obviously I caught it from someone! Thankfully I am vaccinated and have the booster so the symptoms are not life threatening.
This is the rock! A sign by the display says this was not declared the rock until 100 years after the pilgrims actually landed, so how would anyone really know! I think it's cool, but probably just a symbol. |
A reproduction of the Mayflower II. There's a museum and tour you could have gone on, but I just snapped a picture then continued on my drive to Boston. |
The most colorful fish tank I have ever seen. I was fascinated by the variety of fish in here, in all colors of the rainbow. So beautiful. |
How would you like this job? I watched this lady feed these penguins for a least an hour (maybe not that long). She would select one particular one and hand feed it seven fish, or at least try. Most times other penguins stole the fish and she would have to stop, get out her chart, and mark which penguin got an extra fish. Then she would try again to get the selected penguin his required amount of fish. Not survival of the fittest in here! They make sure the bullies don't get fat while the weaker ones starve. Once she was finished with one penguin, she would select another and start the process over again. |
I have never seen a sting ray with blue spots! They had a huge tank with a variety of string rays, maybe 15 different types, for the public to pet. This one was my favorite. |
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