Cape Cod was a work trip. Wow, what a location for work! I lucked out. Unfortunately, I also got sick so after day two I was suffering with a sore throat, stuffy head, and chills 😥. What a waste of a great location! I'm just praying it is nothing more than a cold!!!
I did get some cool pictures before the cold symptoms kicked in.

The plaque outside of my cottage door. I love the NE coastal vibe!
My cottage was the red one. Turns out these are all individually owned and just managed by the resort. They say the owners pick which weeks they want to use the unit and the rest of the summer they rent them out. Wonder what they cost and if they are able to collect enough from the vacationers to pay the mortgage. Pretty sweet setup.
The cottages were right on the beach. The first two days it was rainy, windy, and cold. In spite of the weather (or maybe that was part of the charm), I loved Cape Cod. It as very green with beautiful flowers everywhere. The roads were small, the trees mature, and the houses set back from the road. |
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